iDiabetes (intelligent Diabetes) is a new initiative using a ‘precision medicine’ approach to diabetes care.
No more one size fits all!
The iDiabetes team have developed a new clinical platform which will allow enhanced testing and more sophisticated analysis of patients’ health data. This will help clinicians better understand each person’s diabetes, as well as their risk for complications.
iDiabetes has the potential to radically improve patient outcomes by identifying the most effective medications at the earliest stage in treatment. Giving the right drug, to the right patient, at the right time.
NHS Tayside has received a £2.8m award from the Scottish Government Chief Scientists Office to implement and test this new care approach. The project is a joint initiative between NHS Tayside and the University of Dundee, in partnership with the University of Aberdeen and NHS Education Scotland (NES) Digital.
The study is now live and some practices have started implementing iDiabetes. The rest of the practices will come onboard over the coming months. To see if your practice has started please click here.
Read our Frequently Asked Questions to learn more about the iDiabetes study.